coral banded shrimp for sale


Premium Member
Healthy, no aggression ever seen, just want to try other shrimp.

I have 3 of these guys in my various tanks.

Asking 5 bucks per shrimp.
I'd love them, but I still worry about my wrasse looking at them as dinner. I've had several peppermint shrimp and even an emerald crab vanish soon after molting.

My other reef tank has a puffer and the poor blokes wouldn't make it to the bottom of the tank before being munched.
hmmm, IME, coral banded's can take care of themselves pretty well. I had one in a tank with a marine betta and a lionfish... he... well she did fine forever, untill i sold her. lion was 7" and betta was 5"

If you really want one, i would try it for $5, and whats the worst that could happen, it's an expensive meal, but at least the wrasse gets a varied diet. LOL (sorry if you think that sounds mean, i was a fisherman in a past life, and things just eat other things...)