coral of the week { Euphyllia divisa } frogspawn


Premium Member
week #7 coral of the week { Euphyllia divisa } common name frog spawn. This coral is pictured on page 67 of the book Corals a quick reference guide by Julian Sprung. I had no requests this week and since there has been no lps corals in the coral of the week I thought this would be a good one.

Every week I will post a new coral and I want you to post everything you know about this particular coral. Everything from common names, how hardy they are, water temp, water flow, lighting, water parameters, fraging, spawning, related corals, scientific names, feeding, best ways to ship, etc. Post your pictures for identification. Please tell us about your system so others can duplicate your success. Also email me for request on which corals you would like to see in this section.

Well, I have a green morph of frogspawn that is one of my favorites in my tank. I got mine as a cutting from a friend who mailed them to me from the bay area (I'm in Seattle). These things were TINY when I got them - no bigger than a pea. He sent me 2. This was in October of 1999. One is now the size of a softball and the other a baseball when the polyps are fully extended. They both receive similar light and current, so I'm not sure why the difference. The only thing I can attribute it to is the shape of the rock that they were glued onto. The coral that has grown larger is at the top of a long, narrow piece of live rock, while the smaller of the colonies was mounted onto a more round, flat and stout base. I have no idea if that has anything to do with it, just an observation. The tank they're in is a 40 gallon that is lit by a 175w 10k Ushio MH and 1 36" 95w actinic VHO. They seem to prefer mild currents and medium to high light. I have noticed some aggression with mine lately in the form of longer polyps (i.e., sweeper tentacles) that are stinging neighboring corals. I also have taken several cuttings (similar in size to what I started with) from these 2 colonies and they continue to produce babies around the perimeter of their tissue. Matter of fact, I'm setting up a frag tank that will be home to many (hopefully) of their offspring. My tank runs between 83-85 degrees, is VHO lit for 12 hours and MH lit for 10. pH is ~8.3, specific gravity is 1.025.
Hey Dave--here is a pic of a tiny little chip someone gave me at a local reef club meeting two months ago. It was about the size of my thumbnail then, and has since grown to three times that size.

IME frogspawn like medium lighting, medium to low water flow. One of my favorite lps corals!!

now something I have.. I also have the neon green frogspawn w/pink tips.. it is in a 110 gal, w/4x96 watt p/c 1/2 up the tank w/medium to medium/high current. it started w/2 heads and has gone to 5 in about 7 months, it also has about 19 little babies budding out around the base... what is the best way to frag these off.. and then do I just superglue them to a rock.... I would love to frag this thing out!! Definately my favorite coral as it floresces a ton under atintics..
I use a wire cutters to snip the frags from the mother colony once they've got a small skeletal mass of their own. One thing you want to be careful of when handling the frags is side pressure on their tissue. I use a tweezers when handling them to make sure I don't damage their tissue. Cyanoacrylate works great for mounting them to rocks.
HEre's mine:
<img src="">
I got it in June of 99 with three polyps. Now it has about 15 and dozens of babies on the underside of the polyps.
This picture is best veiwed at 1024x768 :)
Finally a coral I have!!!
I have the branching type, it has reddish tentacles with green tips. It is in my 55g under power compact lighting and loves it. In my experience a very hardy coral, it fully expanded hours after being placed in my tank. I feed it on rare occasions with small bits of shrimp.
I love my frogspawn!
I have a very cool piece. It has sprouted a couple of new branches. Here is a pick of mine. eric
I got mine on 10/1/00 for $40; it has three branches and is doing quite well. The lighting 2 96 watt PC 6700k, one 96 watt PC 7100k, and one 75 watt VOH 7100k for a total of 363 watts. Temp 79 to 82, ph 8.1, specific gravity 1.025 to 1.026. I've enjoyed it so far other then it killed one of my favorite Capnella Kenya tree corals because I but tem to close together. The Kenya bent over into the frogspawn when I wasn't home.
Mushroom Boy,
Do you have any frogspawn frags you care to part with? I've got a few baby softies (lemnalia and capnella) in my nursery tank.
Well, we don't have a picture of ours scanned yet, so I'll just have to tell you about it. It's a green branching frogspawn with pick tips. We have it fairly high up in our tank under 2X96W PC bulbs and one 30W actinic. The actinic is on for about 11 hours per day, and the PCs are on for about 10. We got this coral in 8/00. At that time it was about 4" across when fully expanded. Now it is 8-9" across at least, and, in volume, it has at least tripled in size since we got it. Oh, there are also over a dozen small buds branching out at the base of the tissues. It is in a fairly low flow area of the tank. Tank temp is 82 deg F. It does come into contact with an anchor coral (Euphyllia ancora) nearby, and neither seems very affected by the other.

We don't directly feed our corals regularly, but we do feed fairly heavily, so they all end up getting some food. The tank gets ESV B-Ionic in the morning and I use kalk for top-off water.

I hope I got everything in there.
According to my new Corals of the World books.
The branching frogspawn is actually called
Euphyllia paradivisa
Baalz, It's also listed as that in Sprung's Corals:A Quick Reference Guide. I think a lot of people forget (like me), a lot of people don't know about the change, and a lot of people are too lazy to type out the extra 4 letters.

Baalz said:
According to my new Corals of the World books.
The branching frogspawn is actually called
Euphyllia paradivisa

I think you are right. I have been trying to figure that one out since I started this thread. I knew that there had to be a difference between of scientific names of the vase and the branching types. I been doing a little research on that myself. In corals a quick reference guide is were I first noticed euphyllia paradivisa. I just recieved my corals of the world today. By the way Baalz EXCELLENT CALL that is why the corals of the week is such an important thread. I think alot of us have been misidentifing that coral.


[Edited by shred5 on 01-11-2001 at 09:22 PM]
Is the frag posted by Larry a frogspawn or a torch(Euphyllia glabrescens,page 20, A practical guide to corals)? I've fragged several pieces of this branching coral since getting it two years ago, and believe the frag Larry posted is from me. It's grown well under pc's and done even better under mh (400w), if kept at the bottom of the tank. Taking frags seems to stimulate new growth, and the frags expand much more when removed from the mother colony. I've never fed it, but the tank is fed heavily. Temp 80f, sg 1.025, pH 8.0 to 8.4, alk 3.0+ meq/l, ca400+, no measurable ammonia,nitrite or nitrate.

I looked at that too but e. glabrescens polyps have no branches they are just straight. If you look real hard at Larry's you can see some of his branch off. Now it is possible he has a hybrid because it sure does look like a e. glabrescens esp. the tips of the polyps but it could be because it is so little yet.

It sounds like I am the only guy who can't keep a Frog Spawn?? i have the branchng variety and i have had it for about 5 months. it did very well under my PC's then when I added the iwasakis over a month ago it is not doing good at all. i figure it was too much light. but i have also add some more currewnt to the tank to maybe it is current too?
I've had my branching frogspawn for about 6 months. It has grown from 5 branches to 8 in that time. Plus, there are 6 or 8 small buds that I am letting grow until they get to be fragging size. My frogspawn is green with pink tips. The green has faded a bit, and at one point got to be almost a light tan color. Now it is moving back to flourescent green (not really sure why). I keep it at the very top of my tank under a 14,000K 400 watt halide in what I would describe as moderate current.

I'll post a pic when I feel less lazy. It's at my website under reef, see more pictures, page two.