coral of the week { Euphyllia divisa } frogspawn

I've had this frogspawn for 7 months. It's on the bottom (30" deep tank) under a 175W 14,000K halide. I'd characterize the current in that area as a little lower than moderate.

Hope nobody has answered this already...havent had a chance to read the entire thread yet, but.

would this work as a host for a pair of clownfish? do you think they would adapt to it after some time or...I guess they can use anything right?

anyone have this happen?

Thanks a lot

If anyone is interested is trying one I would suggest checking out Dr. Mac's page. I got a frag from him a couple of months ago. It is brown with bright green tips. Mine was expanded two hours after putting it in the tank. It is now almost baseball size.

The clowns will disturb them and they will not expand as big. They are generally very hardy and grow moderately fast. For them to fully expand, they should not be disturbed by the clowns. Clowns have a tendency to "Rub" on their host, Rubbing could cause harm to the fragile tissue of these corals.

I have two of these coral. One is brown and the other is green. I bought the green one for $35 with about 5 heads. 7-8 months later i cut 2 frags out of the main colony. Each frag has 3 heads/ each is about 1.5" diameter, and expanded to the baseball size. i sold them for $35 each. the people who bought them are so happy to get the "Captive" raised frogsprawn for good price. They called me back and expressed complete "Satisfactions"

The brown color one does not grow as fast but it has a lot (i mean alot and alot) of babies on the branches. I am too lazy to cut those so i let them die due to lack of lighting. Maybe i should start to cut them off the branches and grow them.

[Edited by Pinkskunk on 01-12-2001 at 07:47 AM]
My frogspawn was huge until I put two false percula clowns in my 110. They adopted it and it expands very little now. I've moved it and they find it. I would like them to leave it alone but have no idea how to do that. I yell at them, but they ignore me.
I understood they needed a lot of light. Mine is at the top of the tank under 4-55w PC's with gentle current and has been doing great for over a year. Never tried to put it lower because it seemed happy where it was at. Went from 4 heads to 7. I do have to move it to seperate it every few months from a pearl bubble. They are both growing well and as they get bigger the both send out sweepers to sting the other when they feel they are in reach. I do have a xenia close to it but it has never bothered it so I assume it is not aggressive to everything.

The mother colony has four or five main stalks and each stalk has three or four polyps. Would this be a defining trait for branching frogspawn vs being something else?


My last post I was talking about the polyps not the skeleton. I am at work right now so I dont have any books but lets see if I can do this off the top of my head so dont quote my on any this. If its branching and not a vase type it is not e. Divisa. Now you have to look at the polyps. If the polyps are branching type then it is probably Euphyllia paradivisa. If the polyps are straight (tubular) with no branching it could be Euphyllia glabrescens like you said earlier. Off the top of my head right now I cant remember if the skeleton is branching on the Euphyllia glabrescens but I beleive it is and is commonly called the torch coral. I will check my facts when I get home tonight. By the way will I be meeting you feb 2-4 th. for Rons visit? I will be comming up with Niven and grafxguy.

I'll try again, any pointers on why mine might be doing so crappy?

Here are the vitals

75 gallon

2x250W Iwasaki Mh + 2x96W PC Actinic

2 MJ1200, 2 Rio 180's, 1 Minijet 909 and return from mag 7 for current.

All the vitals are in check - Ammonia, nitrate, nitrite. Alk is around 10 dkh, CA 400+ ppm, Ph 8.3 Temp 83.

It went to expanding to about 10" in diameter. To barely expanding at all and turning a clear litle pink color from deep pink and green.

Again the forg spawn seemed to start heading down hill when I added the new lights going to the current setup from 4x96W PC. Also I have added alittle more current to the tank. the other thing I have notice is that there seems to a be alot of small buds on it. There are 7 major branches with each having 6-7 new bud coming from the sides of the branches. Could it be going through a reproduction period? Or possibley is it a temp issue?
I had another frogspawn that I got two years that was doing great. Expanding, bushy, etc. Then my two Perc's decided to make it home:


The clowns had a great time, but the frogspawn started to decline after a couple months. It might have been an infection/bacteria that started in one polyp, but maybe that was stress-induced by the clowns ???? I did a page on it:

Most LPS prefer moderate to low flow and reduce expansion in high flow. I'm also starting to question if turbulence is an issue.

I know I'll most likely get slapped for asking this, but I must. I have a 100gal with 220w in VHO's. Can I keep one these with this lighting, or do I need more?
Well How long have you had it under the metal halides. It is not uncommon for a coral to shrink up for a while when put under brighter lights. Its just trying to shade itself from the light but if the light is to strong for it you can burn the coral. I do find that this coral prefers a medium amount of light and low water flow. I know people who keep them under iwasakis and they do well but I think they look much better under lesser amounts of light. Try moving it lower in the tank if you can.

Gus Paz
Yea I think that might not be enough light. I had a 75 with 6 40 watt fluorescents on it. And mine grew pretty fast. But that is 240 watts over a 75 gallon tank and I placed it high in the tank. There is one thing you could do but it might look a little stupid. place both lamps about 2 or 3 inches apart. And if you can place it high and directly beneath the lamps this would probably be ok. I would just add a couple of more lamps.

Shred & Agu,

Thanks for the response! Currently I have the Coral on the bottom far right of my 75. The lights have been on for around 6 weeks. I did do a adjustment to the new lights over the course of a month. I just moved the coral to the right side thinking it has less current, hopefully that will help. i I don't see improvement in the next few weeks will trade it in on something else. i have many other LPS that are doing great, Green open brain, Red lobed brain, Green lobed Brain, Torch, Hammer, galaxia, and more. I guess the frogspanw may not be my coral.