coral of the week { Sarcophyton elegans } yellow leathers

I have a question. What would make a yellow leather turn gold/brown? I bought one about 2 months ago. I acclimated it slowly to the 400 watt bulb it now sit under. It starter at the bottom of the tank and raised it 6" every week. It now sits about 14" directly under a 400 watt Iwasaki 6500K bulb. It looks very healthy and has great polyp extension. All water params are normal. It started out a nice yellow and is slowly changing to a golden brown.Any ideas? Bob

Because different corals come from different locations, I would guess that your Leather isn't fond of the REALLY bright light. Some of these Leathers are from Fiji and some are from Tonga I believe. I would guess that what you're seeing is increased growth in zooxanthellae in the tissue. Apparently this is common among Green Toadstool Leathers when they receive REALLY bright light.
I guess that makes sense. I did my homework and read that they need a lot of light and water flow so I put it in a position to get both. It's only been 2 months so I'll see what happens. Thanks, Bob
The leather that is always called a yellow leather in my area, does not look anything like these ones!! It has a Toadstool look to it, is not really yellow everywhere, golden brown in most spots. At the LFS that i work at, a few of them came in our last shipment but were labeled "green leather". These did very poorly! The only corals that "melted", all of them too.
What im saying is stay away from a yellowy toadstool.
Well here's mine too:) it's a Tonga yellow frag off the same mother as Q's i have mine about 4 inches under the surface in pretty high random flow. the lighting over it is 220w VHO actinic and 175 10k MH it receives 14hrs of actinic and 12 hrs of MH i feed my system pretty heavey a huga asortment of dry, frozen and fresh foods. Everyday this coral is looking better and better
tank parameters are alk 4.0meq cal 440 ph 8.2 to 8.4 temp 84F and amm0 nitrite0 nitrate 5
My first photo post! (sniff..) I'm so happy.. and it only took two hours away from my study time for my final tommrow at 8am. Oh well what is more important, my reef or... what was the other choice again?

This is about one month after I moved and split my 90 into a 90 and a 120. The yellow is currently in the 90 (18h x 24d x 48w)under two 50/50 vhos and two no atinics.


Tanks again to Canadan and Lori for making this all possible!

[Edited by tszetela on 12-15-2000 at 09:46 PM]