Hello, Geezer coming back to this forum. Paul B

Vinny, I made a lot of money doing side jobs with mechanics, plumbing, carpentry and electric not to mention snow plowing in the days when it used to snow. :)

Most young people today are to lazy to do anything to make money. There is money all over the place, you just have to be a little faster, nicer, neater and of course know what you are doing. :D
So I got this new computer a few weeks ago and I love the thing. It looks and runs exactly like my 18 year old Windows 7 which was my criteria. Of course this new one has 6 times more computing power which is why I bought the thing. I may get my wife the same one today. She has a newish one but I can't even figure out how to save a picture of a clown gobi on it as it is way over my bald head.

Anyway, as I was transferring the old photos and articles from the old computer to this one I noticed that I wrote about 90 articles or stories, most of which had nothing to do with fish. I can't believe I wasted so much "ink" in these years since they invented computers.

If I get time, I will read those stories to see if I still agree with them. :unsure:
This morning I took my first walk on the beach for the season. I can't go in the winter because they remove the bottom 10' of stairs and being I am not Spiderman, I don't want to jump that distance. But today I rescued my first horseshoe crab of the Spring.
Sunrise on Beach.jpg

For an animal that has been here for millions of years they are very stupid. They have billions of miles of water but they keep crawling into very shallow water until a wave turns them over on the dry sand until the seagulls tear them apart for lunch.

Horseshoe crab.jpg