Decent macro or better luck next time?


New member
Got bored last night and took a few macros. This is the best one of the bunch, I think. Suggestions?

Nikon D60
Nikkor AF-S 18-55mm 3.5-5.6
ISO 400
Aperture: F9
Shutter: 1/13

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="rhodactis_macro"></a>
I think it's a great shot and would be happy if it was mine.

Not sure what the other pics are like or what you tried when shooting. I would start at the lowest ISO, probably 100, and bump it up if you need to as you go. That should help with noise and graininess. Also, you might try decreasing your aperture (increase f-stop) so you get a little bit more depth of focus. That might help in the area where it gets a little more blurry on the polyp closest to the camera. You'll need a slower shutter speed to adjust for exposure, but you should be able to try both of those as long as you have a tripod and the coral stays still.
Thanks guys.

Yeah I messed around with ISO/aperture/shutter a bunch but this one had the best detail. Sometimes I think its just dumb luck rather than the actual settings. I'm just wondering if I've reached the maximum potential of the kit lens as far as macro goes.
My friend calls F8 the great lens equalizer :) I had good luck with my tamron at F8 but I was able to get some really cool shots up at F22. I had to use the self timer at 10S to get the camera to stay stable enough for the pictures but they turned out great. Here is one:


EXIF data is here.

I also picked up a wireless remote for $2 from which helps a bunch as well on the slow shutter shots.

Try cranking up the F stop until there is no more benefit. For me that seems to be at F15 or so depending on how much light I have.
I had to use the self timer at 10S to get the camera to stay stable enough for the pictures but they turned out great. Here is one:

Trying to one-up me? That ain't cool. Just kidding, Great Shot! Question for you though; you said you have a remote but used the self-timer for the above shot... what's the advantage of the timer over the remote? (or was this before you got the remote?)

Anyone else interested in sharing? I would like to see some more...
Trying to one-up me? That ain't cool. Just kidding, Great Shot! Question for you though; you said you have a remote but used the self-timer for the above shot... what's the advantage of the timer over the remote? (or was this before you got the remote?)

Anyone else interested in sharing? I would like to see some more...

I was hoping I had the one at F8 still but I couldnt find it, basically at F8 you couldnt see the texture of the open polyps. The remote is great for waiting until the camera has stopped vibrating and then you control when to shoot. The timer does the same but sometimes (amazingly often) a fish or crab or something you dont care that much about will swim right in front of what you are trying to shoot right when the timer goes off. You have no idea how many blurry orange pictures I have because my clown is too curious :)
One more thing I am assuming you are shooting in RAW mode and using photoshop to color calibrate? Are you doing any sharpening?
This one was taken in jpeg. I fiddled with the preset white balance settings in the camera to find the one that most accurately captured the natural colors (this one is "cloudy" WB I think). No sharpening, brought the brightness and contrast up a bit but that is it. I use PS CS4 at work but didn't use it on this photo as I did it at home.
I suck at getting the color and exposure right on the camera so I do it with CS4 with the RAW import. I use the Fred Miranda Nikon sharpening plugin (CS2 only I think) after everything is done. That way there is a chance that it looks right :)
Well it turns out that you guys know what you're talking about (not that there was ever a doubt though :D).

ISO 100
Aperture f/18
Shutter 1/1.6

This is the first time I've shot in RAW since I got my camera (Ken Rockwell told me not to :hmm2:) I love it! I am amazed at how accurately you can dial in the color and exposure. Just wish it didn't take up so much space. Let me know what you think...

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
:thumbsup: Nice! What I like about it is the ability to dial in the color consistently. Your right about the size issue, time to spring for a new hard drive :) Do you have a remote?
Yeah a remote was one of the first "accessories" I got... just used the self-timer on this shot as I was too lazy to go dig it out.

Cheap external hard-drives make it way too easy to get lax on deleting poor photos. And I always tell myself I will go through them at some point, but I know that probably ain't gonna happen.
If I had my pick I would go with this one:

I'm pretty sure a couple of guys in my super sweet reef club have macro lenses... maybe I can just borrow theirs. :lmao:

Any of my funds allocated to this hobby in the near future need to go to providing a suitable home for corals worth photographing! I'm working on that...

Yeah you and me both, let me know if you want to borrow the tamron. My dream is to upgrade to a D90 and a couple of nice lenses.
I'm pretty sure a couple of guys in my super sweet reef club have macro lenses... maybe I can just borrow theirs. :lmao:

Any of my funds allocated to this hobby in the near future need to go to providing a suitable home for corals worth photographing! I'm working on that...

Try to rent one. The Rockbrook here in Omaha won't, but maybe the one in Lincoln will.
I was really just kidding about borrowing the lens John but thanks for the offer. I may try the Rockbrook think eventually jd. I'm sure if you showed/faked interest to buy, they would let you rent it for awhile.
I was really just kidding about borrowing the lens John but thanks for the offer. I may try the Rockbrook think eventually jd. I'm sure if you showed/faked interest to buy, they would let you rent it for awhile.

When I checked with them they did not have any Nikon macros available to rent but that was a while ago. You can borrow mine as long as you promise to let me borrow your Nikon 100mm VR Macro when you get it :)