Don't be shy, please introduce yourself!

ty u all i should be there after x-mas some time

and i try to register to your site it will not let me ....
Does anybody know how I can get my username reactivated on the vegas reefers forum?
I cant even register because it keeps saying the email address is in use. You cant email the administrator you get that sent back with unelivery message

My user name is willymec and i joined when the club first started

Thanks Bill
Wow. Lots of reefers in Vegas. I'm from long beach but I'm always in Vegas playing with strippers;)

oops correction, i meant playing on the strip. Lol
I miss cali I used to go there all the time i still have fam all over southern cali. moved to wa now when yuo go should check out some of the stores they are not like cali stores but good for vegas lol... I will be n cali in august sept time frame visiting fam and coral shopping.