ESHINE 48X3W 4G lighting fixture experience


Hey Guys,
I know that there have been at least a couple of people that have been considering the ESHINE 4G systems, and I figured I'd give you a rundown of my experience with them. First I'll give a quick summary of the timeline for my order, since the items ship from China, and then I'll tell you about my experience (which includes some delivery damage).
2/2 "“ I e-mailed Robin from Eshine about getting the pricing catalog, and got a reply that day with all the prices.
2/3 "“ After a lot of questions and answers I decided to get the 48X3w system with the controller. Once I notified Robin of this, he sent me the invoice and asked me to transfer the money. There are 2 methods to pay. 1) paypal (they add an 3% surcharge for conversion from US dollar to HKD) 2) direct wire through your bank to their bank(no surcharge, but your bank probably has some fee for wire transfers) One other thing is wire transfers take some time to go through, where as with paypal they can see the transfer immediately, and your order will be processed earlier.
2/8 "“ I was told that the fixture has shipped out, but the tracking number wasn't available yet.
2/10 "“ I was given the tracking number, and I found out that the delay was due to their shipping method. What they do is ship the item from China to Hong Kong through some local delivery service, and then use DHL to ship the item from HK to the US. I was told there was a delay due to inspection of the shipment from China to Hong Kong.
2/14 "“ I receive both the controller and light (2 separate packages). The boxes look a little dented here and there. (nothing I wouldn't expect from international shipping) I open up the box, and find that the controller has a scuff mark on the front (I'll survive). The lighting fixture has a bigger problem. The glass panel that protects the lights is cracked and broken. I send an e-mail to Robin(with pictures), and he responds at night (morning for him) and is very helpful. He has already put a claim into DHL for the Item.
2/15 "“ I get a call from DHL about the issue, and have provided them the information they needed. Now waiting to see what's next, and when I can expect to receive the glass panel.

Overall experience/light opinion:
First off there are some more general things that you will have to deal with when buying from ESHINE. They are all located in China, so responses will only happen later at night, or earlier in the morning. It's a bit annoying that I wasn't able to get responses during the day, but they do respond right away at night and morning. If you want to talk to them via their messaging system on their website I suggest mornings. They seem to response faster.
The quality of the lights seems to be pretty good. For half the price of similar LED systems from American brands, the lights seem to do exactly what is advertised. The controller I received has a bit of a scuff mark on the front panel, which I'm ok with (expected the quality control to not be as strict as in the US). There were also some scuff marks on the side of the light fixture, which I think may have come from the packing material glue not being completely dry before they put the light into the box. The controller that can simulate sunrise and sunset works as advertised. Only complaint I have for that is that instead of "œdimming" the lights kind of just jump from 20% to 10%, so it's still a bit of a instant drop off, instead of a dimming quality you'd probably get with a pot.
The 3 year warranty that is advertised comes with a bit of a catch. The first year, they will pay for shipping and such for replacement parts, but there is an expectation for you to do any of the fixes. (I'm not sure if they expect you to solder the led's and such if one of them breaks) For the second and third year, they will provide the parts, but you will have to pay for shipping. This is what I've read from the warranty card, but I have not confirmed this with Robin. There are also stickers on both the controller and light fixture that say "œVoid if removed", but I was told by Robin that they would honor the warranty even if I removed it. (I'd ask them and save the e-mail yourself, if you plan on removing them)

Overall, i'm psyched that i was able to get a fixture like this with cree LED's for 1/2 the price that i would've paid otherwise, but i guess i just have bad luck and had a terrible shipping experience. Hope this helps you guys in your decision making. I will try to post some pictures of the boxes and the condition the lights arrived in later on. I might start another thread for how the lights look and such, but I don't plan to have the lights up for at least another week. (depending on when the glass arrives)
Thanks for sharing this story. What size tank do you have this over? I'm surprised that the controller jumps from 10 to 20%, but maybe that's not a big deal visually.
I am currently setting up a 40b, yea gonna be massive overkill, but i figure i can just run it at 50% max. The settings on the controller only allows me to go from 10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100%, so didn't really have much of a choice. It is a noticeable different for each jump, but definitely not as bad as going from on to off.
agreed, but price is higher from them :D They're basically reselling, so if you want to pay for that, it's up to you.
I ordered one from pro led and it showed up with broken glass too. Pro led took it back and gave me a refund I doubt eshine would do that. Then he offered to sell me one for cheaper than eshine @ the dealer price. I declined, that glass plate is too fragile.
i have no desire to get a refund...I like these lights, so we have different needs. I'm not saying that you have to go through eshine, just saying that for the price difference i'm willing to deal with people in china.
Here are some pics:
20% white, 40% blue
light samples 006.jpg

light samples 004.jpg
Sorry, no access to PAR meter, but these are 3w LED's being run at 2w for longevity and maximum performance (so i was told). I trust this information, so i would figure they're comparable to other 3w fixtures. The only thing i will say is that i have 90 degree optics on this setup, so i could get the maximum spread possible.(tank is 3ft by 1.4ft, and fixture is like 2ft by .5ft) So my expectation is the par readings towards the sides of my tank may not be amazing, but that's a good thing in my case because i want to keep a mixed reef, and some of the corals will need those shadier areas.
Was just told this morning that they are sending out another piece of glass, and i should be receiving it next tuesday. So basically a week turn around an any issues. meh not the best, but acceptable.
I was talking to Robin, looks like I have to go with Bridgelux as I want to add a mix of 420nm leds, cant do that with crees. Good point is the pricing is great when not going with CREES, granted you lose 15% lumens. I;ve got a 36x36x18, that is currently lit with a single 400 watt. I am hoping 2 of these will sufice. I get killer par right now though, as much as 300-400 on the sand right under the light over 1000 up high. I know and LED prob wont come quite that close, but we will see.
Have you used the moonlight feature, which I guess would be running it at 10%. Is that too bright or just enough?
ive been looking at the 4g stuff for a while now. still cant decide to pull the trigger or not. Pricing is right for sure. I hate how expensive the controller is.. I'd be interested in some better pics of the fixture itself if you can.
@cdivine i just tried just leaving the blue at 10% and the white at 0, and i think if i hang the light about 6in to 1ft off the water, it would be fine for some moonlight work, but i don't think the type of blue they use is the typical blue that they use for moonlight, but i don't know for sure.

@Phishguy Is there something specific you want to see? I talked to a LFS that sold their earlier models, and after looking at my fixture, he said that the quality of the soldering and overall look of the internals is much much better and looks more professional then the previous ones that he sold from eshine. I agree the controller is a bit pricey for what it does. Though when i thought about it the fixture + controller is still much cheaper then any similar units that can simulate sunrise/set
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nothing specifically, just want to get a better idea what they look like. did you customize the leds and optics?
i'll try to post some more on monday...I went with the standard half white half blue with 90 degree optics. Works well for my 40b imo.