Frame - do you like it?


Active member
Well i have been working on a frame i can use when posting pics, what do you guys think of the one below, i know its pretty standard, but im just starting to learn photoshop and dont really know how to do anything that fancy yet. any comments are welcome.


Thanks for looking,

well there ya go... 2 opinons, add your own and youll have a majority! Myself I would shring them all a bit, and make the blacks slightly different widths. But that is me... and I am not you. As long as your happy with it!

In any case, nice work. Photoshop is very intimidating.
I'm not a fan of the big frames. I think it takes away from the picture...
I agree with beananimal, take both black and silver boarders down to about 1/3rd of thickness original ones. Other wise is looks good.