green wolf eel


New member
Is the green wolf eel prone to ick or other fish parasites or diseases? I am wanting to add one to my reef tank but we recently had ick kill our fish, we just want to make it an eel tank with coral and live rock. Can I add him before I cycle the tank to kill the ick for a month?

the green wolf eel isnt an eel !

he is no more or less prone to ICK than any other dottyback.

before you consider when is the correct time to add another fish, you'll need to consider why it is your previous fish became ill and perished. is it a water quality issue? were the fish purchased from a reputable store? was there a compatibility issue between the fish? many things to consider.

if you can eleminate what caused your previous fish to become ill, you're well on oyur way to getting the tank stocked with fish again. i'd be glad to assist in this endeavor, but you'll have to help me by telling me what went wrong previously.

Wolf Eel Eggs

Wolf Eel Eggs

Hi, my wolf eel had just laid it's egss.. a in colour...all of them in one odd ball shaped full of them...

I have moved it into a avoid it being eaten by my snowflake moray & white ribbon eel...

Would these eggs be able to be hatched without their mother..the eggs are stil the same tank..she is still trying to get to them from the hatchery..but I've placed a big rock over it & therefore making it very difficult for her to get to it..

She still swims by the eggs all the time and if my two other eels go near it..she will catch their head and put them to one side..

Your feed back is very much appreciated..


have these eggs been fertilized by a male?

you can try placing an air stone nearby the eggs to cause water movement (but not enough to disturb the eggs). without water movement the eggs will not get enough oxygen. any wastes such as settling detritus will not get removed, either. normally this is something the guardian would accomplish.

you can attempt to be a "surrogate mother" but it is often a very difficult task. any chance you can seperate the parents with the eggs until they hatch?


Hi hcs3,

I have separated the eggs from the parents into a hatchery..not sure if I can an air stone into the hatchery as it is shut..maybe what I should do is place the air stone underneath the hatchery..

As there are holes underneath and around the hatchery...but the parents are still trying to open the hatchery..

Thanks for the advise..any other advise & feedback will be greatly appreciated..
