hello. new to your forum.


New member
I didnt realize there was a marion county forum. My wife and I live in inverness. Ive been on the tampa forum for some time but just found this one.

I recently moved my tank and redid everything. Above is the link to the build thread. We're looking for nicely priced frags sincewe have a new setup to populate, sps, lps, softies, if any of you do coral and we really like tangs so if any of you ever want to sell a tang. Ill be updating the thread as the build progresses. My granite for the kitchen came in and I have granite for the fish stand to install and cabimetry to finish so that will be next probably.

Name is matt btw.

Oh were looking for a healthy bubbletip also.
Hey Matt welcome, it's a little slow on this forum not sure where everyone went. Not long ago there was a good base between Ocala, Gainesville and surrounding area but has slowed dramatically the last year or so but a few remain..I'm located in ocala there are a few good folks here and a few good stores ......