Help me figure out what day to move clown eggs


Premium Member
My Maroon clowns laid eggs some time today in the afternoon (Thursday). The last batch I moved too early and lost the eggs in hatch tank becasue I didnt have the right flow on them for too long.
The eggs should hatch in 8 days ? The tank temp is 80.
This should be easy , but help me figure it out. Is today day one?
1 Today Thursday, the day they were laid
2 Friday
3 Saturday
4 sunday
5 Monday
6 Tuesday
7 Wednesday
8 Thursday

So do I move them Thursday eve before lights out?
Might be good to let this batch go so you can figure this out.

Each spawning pair's nest will be similar to their previous nest in terms of incubation time, all other things being equal. I suggest leaving this nest in with the parents and seeing which day the nest hatches, so then you will know how to count the days the next time they spawn.
This will be my third time now.
The first batch I missed, they hatched around day 6. The 2nd batch I took out on day 6, they did not make it.
I have phyto and rotifers culturing for so long now for this that I dont want to miss this batch.
I'm assuming you lost the last nest to fungas? Common problem for me. Are the eggs on a tile or flowerpot, or are you moving a piece of lr? I had some success using a light dose of meth blue in the hatch tank. I then improved on this by using sterile water (thanks to advise from this forum). First I scrub & clean the rock/tile/pot as best I can, removing all algae/ detritus/ critters being careful not to damage the nest. I use multiple airlines to get an even flow across the whole nest. I have read to err on the heavy side if you are unsure about how much flow. As for when to pull you will have to learn this through experience, at the third spawn you are just beginning ;) I pull different nests at different times, I can pull the gsm's at 6-7 days but I have to take the osc early or they lose 'em. With my tomato's I have to wait until the last possible minute, often sitting there waiting to see a couple hatch and then snatching it. My gsm's hatched out on day 5 in the beginning but now are more consistent at day 8. I start counting the first night , so if the nest was laid Thursday am I'd call Thursday night ONE. Best of luck :D

I've had pretty good luck guessing the hatch night just by inspecting the eggs, and watching the male care for them. Hopefully, they are in the light so you can see them?

If so, look for the eyes to turn silver inside the egg, detectable by silver tips on the eggs. Once more than about 50-60% of the eggs have good silver tips, they almost always hatch that night, for me.

If you can be there when they hatch, it really isn't that hard to get the fry out after hatching. That way, you could see exactly which night they hatch on, and get the fry from this batch too. I use a moonlight, or small flashlight to attract the larvae. They swim into a column under the light source, and then I scoop them out gently with a coffee cup and transfer them to the rearing tank. Mine are Clarks, but they always start hatching between 20 and 30 minutes after lights out. Just shut off all the pumps right after the lights got out, and wait. My last hatch I was scooping them out 30 at a time, and the whole process only took about 20 minutes.

Good luck!
I'm not sure if this will help or not, because my fish are ocellaris but they hatch very consistently eight days after the eggs are laid. In your scenario that would be Friday night after lights out. Temperature is a key variable as I'm sure species is also.

My reef is at 80 also, and the eggs always hatch on night 8 unless there was a significant temp change. This happened once when a heater went out and the tank was dipping to 76. It added one more day to the hatch out.

This is just my experience, hope it helps.