help, sf eel!


New member
So i finally upgraded tanks today... and i moved over my SF eel. he's currently hiding behind a rock, but when he does come out he seems to have a pink lower lip/jaw... does that just means he is a bit stressed out, or something more serious? thanks in advance...
from what you wrote it sounds like the snowflake just cut his face on a rock you something in the move should'nt be a problem just give it time to heal. Do you have a pic?
i would give him a few days to settle and then treat his food with a broad spectrum antibiotic like kanaplex, and administer treatment through the food. if you do not have any corals, you can remove carbon, turn off your protein skimmer, and add some melafix for several days, that combination shouold really halp what sounds to be the onset of a bacterial infection.
thanks for your replies... as for the eel, he hasnt been accepting any food for the past 2 days... im getting kind of worried but here is a pic...

It looks like a bump to me. Mine gets them every once in a while. I wouldn't worry about it. I have also seen my SFE go 5 weeks with no food.
guys with sfe's. Combining tanks here and have a few "nemo's" in a BTA that I'd like to move together. 20" snowflake ignores fish in his tank, including small damsels, but afraid if I move him into the clowns tank, they'll be just too tasty to ignore. Any experience here?
I bet it would be fine, especially if they host in the BTA. If the eel bumps the BTA, he'll get away pretty quickly.
yeah, i just moved my sf eel in with a few clowns too... so far theyve been doing great, the eel pretty much ignores them. i asked the same question a few months ago on here and what i got was along the lines of that people have done it and they have been fine, but to make sure to keep the eel well fed.