help what is going on


New member
can anyone help I do not know what is going on my new 125 gallon aquarium set has been for 6 months 3 175 mh skimmer and 125 pounds of live rock ammonia is 0 ph is 8.3 nirtate 0 nitrite o salinity 1.24 calcium is 420 ppm alkanity is low aquarium coral are growing great but my fish coral beauty and hippo tang are always getting white spots (ich) 2 clowns and yellow tang are fine don't know what to do any help this is my 2nd hippo first one already killed over. I have dosing with oceans blend 2part solution. READY TO PULL MY HAIR PUT:confused: :mad2: :mad: :( ;)

I would recomend puttng the fish in hypo. Read the threads in the diesease and treatment forum for more information on putting a fish in hypo.
Some say that ich is always present in a tank, and that when water quality is stable, that a fishs natural imunity repels it. I myself thought this was a little odd, but had a tang that was an "ich magnet". After my first failed attempt at keeping SPS I tightened up my regiment and the water quality stabliized. ie: regular water changes, stable alk and ph. Guess what, the ich went away and hasn't came back......I think there is some merit to that school of thought.

To get rid of it otherwise:

Use a quaranteen tank for new fish always and treat if needed.

Let the tank run fallow (fishless) for two months or so, because of the multiple and overlapping lifecylces of ich.

Try treating it with a "reef safe" chemical. (didn't have much luck with em myself, just seems to make the reef suffer)

Good Luck