How do you become a MASLAC member?


Active member
How do you become a MASLAC member? What does it intale? What are the benefits? Sorry for all the questions, but I wanted to know how these clubs work and was interested in this particular club.

Yeah, just checked it out today, looks pretty saweet, I need to get a job so I can start paying for the expences for this hobby.
Re: How do you become a MASLAC member?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6831921#post6831921 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by smoney
How do you become a MASLAC member? What does it intale? What are the benefits? Sorry for all the questions, but I wanted to know how these clubs work and was interested in this particular club.

Sonny, I have been on vacation since Thursday so I'm just getting caught up on emails.

You can go to any meeting to check things out to see if it's something your interested in. This months meeting is a little different. We are taking a trip to the LB Aquarium of the Pacific for a backstage tour that is open to paid members only. I suggest planning on attending the April meeting to check us out. We are always putting together group or discounted buys on products and equipment to offset the cost associated with this hobby. That is only one of the many benefits of being a member of MASLAC.

If you have any particular questions, you can ask here or you can PM me.

As Don (stinkyfish) mentioned, check out upcoming events at
Thanks a lot Konadog,

I checked out the site, and it looks like something really neat. Like I said before, I need to et a job, which is pending right now(crossing fingers). So, once I get the money I definetly want to check out this club.

You guys are so luck to be going to the LB pacific aquarium, wish I could go, thats really neat.

Thanks a bunch,
Good luck with the job Sonny. I'm sure we will be posting a ton of pictures from the Aquarium, so keep an eye out in this forum to see what you missed.

I look forward to meeting you at a meeting one day.