How do you tell if it's gone?

Instant Tang

New member
My tank is a 72 gallon bowfront with a happy assortment of corals, inverts and fish. About 2 months ago I brought home a blue linkia star and acclimated it over an hour or more by dripping and checked my salinity, etc...and, once released onto my DSB, it slowly made its way into the LR. I was able to keep an eye on it for a day between the openings in the rocks...but then I lost sight of it- and haven't seen it since. My ORP always is ideal, as are all the other water parameters.

What are the odds that my blue linkia is still alive and well in my tank?

I had a purple firefish that disappeared for months, only to see it recently coming out of a secret cave it created in the back of my tank. So, I know somethings choose to remain hidden for a long time.

If my blue linkia survived the introduction into my tank for at least a day, is it likely that it's still alive and just hidden somewhere? I'm hoping one day to see it again- sure was a purty thing!


The odds are not good for the star.

The acclimation period should be at least 5 hours and even with that, the odds are not in its favor. Many of them are already dying when you get them.