How many mysis/day do baby Dwarf cuttles eat???


New member
I lucked out hugely and have a local supplier of live mysis. .08 cents a pop though/ 500 min order.

I know they eat a ton, trying to get a feel for if 500 would be like a day/week/month for say 4 cuttles (or any random amount that you've done I can extrapolate from.)
I lucked out hugely and have a local supplier of live mysis. .08 cents a pop though/ 500 min order.

I know they eat a ton, trying to get a feel for if 500 would be like a day/week/month for say 4 cuttles (or any random amount that you've done I can extrapolate from.)

The big thing is not how many they will eat, but its hatching enough brine shrimp to keep the Mysids from cannibalizing each other...

My 3 week old hatch-lings probably eat 10 Mysids a day each, though these are 2 week old shrimp right now, as they can't really take anything bigger.