How to capture/catch clownfish in a tank

I have a misbar black ocellaris that recently jumped into my overflow (built in). Space was tight, but 15 minutes and a fine mesh net had him back in the tank safe and healthy!
I would put hungry lion fish in the tank. Look carefully until lion fish eats the clown fish. Then take them out and quickly rescue the little one. The timing is everything... lol


i have one i cant catch.
i was gona take my kids fishing pole and get him.
no i will probly take most of my 250lbs of rock out and catch him.
i think it would be ezer to use the fishing pole but i like him.
All I can say is Cyclopeeze after a 24hour fasting and ANY clown will come out of hiding disregarding any unfamilar objects in the tank ~clear containers & nets.
Slippery Clown

Slippery Clown

Thanks for the info! I guess I have one of the fast ones. I tried your technique for catching at night, but it didn't work the first attempt. I really don't have much room to maneuver a container in a 40Gal.
I want to put the clown in his own 40Gal tank with a small anemone and live rock, so I guess I'll have to be more clever to catch him. LOL!!
I finally had to take out most of my LR to catch him, but I was in the process of moving the LR into another tank anyway.
I decided to add a Mandarin fish in the one tank and maybe Seahorses in the other eventually. I set up a 10 gal Pod tank too. All along with my Discus tank, 3 dogs, 2 birds and a horse - I am a VERY busy lady!
I can usually net these guys but for the feisty ones I've boxed them into one side of the tank with a clear piece of plastic. The plastic is invisible under water and it gives you a smaller, rock-free space to work in. Those clear disposable paint tray liners from Lowes work great.
I just caught my maroon clown....I waited until he was relaxed after the lights had been off a few hours. I had a little LED flashlight and while he was in the anemone I shined it right in his eyes for a min and then snatched him up with the light in his face. A few seconds and it was over. Hes now in the sump and doesn't appear to have any vision damage. I don't think it was bright enough to do permenant damage.

Can't figure out how to catch the clown tang tho.
Not sure if somebody has mentioned it but using Calfo's method of draining the whole tank.

I didn't believe him before but once I tried it once, I am a believer.

I completely drained a 120G and filled it back up, catching a stubborn skunk clownfish in less than an hour. No corals or fish is harmed in the process.
I totally agree with J Hartman

Careful not to scare your fish to death with a night time attack! Some species of clownfish are very prone to night time scares and wild runs and jumps that could lead to their death.

Using evil nets!

I do not recommend using nets to catch clownfish. Clownfish are very visual fish with excellent eye sight. Having a large "thing" chasing them around a tank can cause a great deal of stress. I have even seen fish die shortly after netting them. I avoid them and the only ones I own are for straining brine shrimp.

NEVER EVER use a net on a maroon clownfish! Maroons have cheek spines that can easily be caught in the netting and result in very bad, even deadly damage to the fish.
My clown is so mean when he bites you he can and has many many time brought blood to my hand. I have always used a net to catch mine when he sees the net he runs to it and swims right into the net and starts trin to bite it, i simply move net against side of tank let the wife hold the net and i do what i have to. then i have to phisically dump him out of the net cause he wont get out of it.
Very informative, great article. I'm still having a heck of a time capturing mine due to all the caves in my live rock.
I had a hell of a time catching my tomato clown last night. I had to basically uproot all of the live rock (in a 200 gallon) remove some from the tank completely and finally after 2 hrs. i was able to corner him on the glass. I will not do this again.
put food in a clear 2 liter coke bottle with the top cut out attached to string. when u see him go get the food pull the string and pull him out! works like a charm
Since i can hand feed mine when i sold my last pair i just put the net in and held the flake food near the top and when they swam to the food i just lifted the net i havent tried it lately since i dont plann on gettin rid of any of my fish no time soon