I don't care what you call it

I feel I come home with a big prize ,when I learn something new that will make it easier , and more fun to keep my system healthy , and happy . I think a big thing is (Education ) learning new ways to do things . I have gained a lot of knowledge , from just talking to other members in the club .

If there is ever a club with the stated above being the main focus please let me know I would love to be a member.
Chris , where would you put the flyer's ? ( What LFS ? )

Well in the thought of staying up this way. Fosters exotic pets, get tanked, aquatic visions, bobs feathered friends, ocean lifers would be about as far south as I would think u would want to go. And anything in between I'm not aware of? That's spring hill to palm harbor?

What he said. Also, is there anything north of here? Crystal river, homosassa, east? Brooksville?
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