I have a skimmer again

Admit it. You missed me. Even if you didn't, at least you have somebody to talk to in here. This place is... ummm.... quiet these days. :sad2:

How have you been? It's been a while.
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Been through a couple career changes. The family's doing good. Everything is starting to fall into place. It's a nice change of pace.

I won an Orphek OR3 at Reefapalooza a couple weeks ago, so now I'm thinking about converting my 45g FW planted tank over to LPS. I think I still have my old Skilter laying around somewhere.
The 45 was reborn about 6 weeks ago. It's my attempt to keep all the cool LPS that never did well under 1200w of 10K XMs. It's a stupid simple set up with just an MP10 and a Reef Octopus Classic 90 HOB skimmer. I totally windexed the thing with an Orphek OR3 Blue+ and Blue Sky. I also have a Day+ on there but it's not a pleasant light, so the coral rave shall continue.

I woke up to some mass NSFW activity from my trochus snails on Saturday morning. They clouded up the tank something fierce. I'm a little surprised they'd spawn in such a new tank.


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The 45 was reborn about 6 weeks ago. It's my attempt to keep all the cool LPS that never did well under 1200w of 10K XMs. It's a stupid simple set up with just an MP10 and a Reef Octopus Classic 90 HOB skimmer. I totally windexed the thing with an Orphek OR3 Blue+ and Blue Sky. I also have a Day+ on there but it's not a pleasant light, so the coral rave shall continue.

I woke up to some mass NSFW activity from my trochus snails on Saturday morning. They clouded up the tank something fierce. I'm a little surprised they'd spawn in such a new tank.
Let's do in wall tank build together ❤️ @lovereefs1 could install it for us.
Let's do in wall tank build together ❤️ @lovereefs1 could install it for us.
It's funny that you'd say that. I'm planning on resurrecting the 210 eventually. I've got another year or two of being an adult before I can finance that project. Should be a pretty easy install though. The wall is still there and I'm going to skip the surge tanks and massive fuge this time around.