I think I have a problem w/ an elegance

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New member
The elegance has been in the tank for a month, the first two weeks it looked very healthy, tentacles out, expanding nicely during the day. I fed it some frozen brine and silversides a couple of weeks ago and after this it has never been as full. Tentacles don't extend, the meaty areas seem to be a little swolen... no tares... it has been emmiting mucus, it is in medium current and about 11 inches from 440 watts of vho lighting. Any ideas??? bad placement??? but it was happy at first.

Thanks for any help

Tank params:
9 months old
75 gal (water is RO/DI Hi Silica removal Kent system)
85 lb live sand
130 lb live rock
Amonia 0
Nitrite 0
Ph 8.1
Nitrate less than 5

Yellow pollyps -- doing great
Green star pollyps -- doing great
Green flower pot -- brought back from the brink of death
Devil's hand leather -- doing great
Open brain (modern) coral -- doing great
Torch -- doing great
some bi-valves on Florida rock -- doing great
some unkown corals on Florida rock -- doing great.
Elegance -- the one I'm worried about

The typical collection of hermits and snails
Naso tang (I know it will outgrow this tank, I'm seeting up a 180 now for his new future home)
Foxface Rabbitfish
Psychadelic mandarin
Green Brittle star

It's a lot harder than it looks, isn't it?

[This message has been edited by wayne (edited 10-18-1999).]
Same problem. I heard that they start to go in 4-6 weeks. 1/3 of my skeleton is exposed. I put mine in a little isolation tank inside the main tank to keep crabs, shrimp and misc. detrivores from working their magic on the carcass. It seems to be expanding a little more and is no longer expelling mucous. Time will tell.


There's No Place Like Home.
Me too. Mine lasted about one week. I have before and after pictures if anyone wants to see them.

Larry M

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This is pure hearsay, but....

Talking to a number of dealers and importers here in L.A., a few have mentioned something about elegances. You might notice that some have a thinner skeletal base then others that have a much blockier, massive base. Supposedly, and I stress the 'supposed' part, those with the more massive bases have a higher survival rate.

FWIW, YMMV. I can't speak from experience on this one, my elegance is two years old and thin-based.
Hi Wayne,

Join the club
This animal used to be considered easy to keep. Now, it seems like everyone I know that gets one has it perish. I wonder what's goin' on???

Good luck
Mike- I read a thread recently which blamed the elegans malaise on the unfortunate practice of leaving them on the boat unsubmerged for hours after collection, but the poster went on to say this has been rectified. Mine are doing poorly as well, but I am trying to bring them back with light feedings and pristine water quality...
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