ID Please


New member
Hi fella's tanks been running for a good few weeks now and things have started to grow, just wondering what they are. (Have I have a good idea, just want them confimed).

I think its Hair Algae on the Sand, Bubble Algae & I dont know what the white thing is.



Will the hair algae on the sand go by its self, and how do I get rid of that bubble algae.

THanks Guys.
Cyano in the first pic and the second pic I would need a better picture to say for sure what it is.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6493080#post6493080 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coops2k
Below that to the right in the second that bubble algae?

Yup I didn't even see the circle on that one.