Intersting parameters


New member
So, check this out.
I kept wondering why it was that everyday I had a drastic temp drop in my tank (well, the water temp didn't change much, just the the ambient temp, Temp 3)
As I was looking at the graph, I realized it happened at the same time everyday..
Well, I get off work everyday at 4ish, and usually make it home around 5.
I then usually start playing around with the tank, as I still have small adjustments to do, and I still need to work the kinks out.
I've keeping the stand open from about 5 P.M. to about 9 P.M!
that explains both the temp drop and the pH drop! (BTW, ignore the readings on the pH, it hasn't been calibrated to the right pH standard, that will be done today)
Temp 1 is the 240 display,
Temp 2 is the sump temp,
Temp 3 is the ambient temp of inside of the stand.
I also just realized that at starting at 6 P.M the refuguim light kicks on, and then cuts off around 10 in the afternoon, so I'm sure that's contributing to the temp as well.
Just goes to show you how little things can change your parameters!
Here's the link to my Reeftronics if you want to tag along.


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