Introduce yourself!

i go to WVU and am filling my first 90 gallon tank as i type. im trying to meet new people who are as addicted as i am to aquariums. nathan im going to pm you

Location: NOVA/WVU morgantown
Saltwater experience: 5 mins
Tank Size: 90 gal first salt tank, MANY fresh tanks
Tank Type: idk yet
I'm Brandon.
Huntington, wv
5yrs in the hobby 1 yr in the biz
Avid reefkeeper with a 110xh sps/lps currently in grow time out and a 36 bow softy with a few softies.
Nitro, WV
Just bought neighbors whole set up with a few fish but have had freshwater tanks on and off for 15 years but this is my first saltwater
110 gal saltwater, but have 2 20 gal, 2 2 gal Freshwater at home and 2 gal at my office.

Couldn't pass up the deal he gave me for his whole setup for $150 eventhough I was planing on waiting till I bought another house before going saltwater big tank. Setup is a basic tank and stand with a proclean wet/dry trickle filter. Moved everything including water Saturday. Including a tomato clown, 3 stripe damsel, 2 yellow tail blue damsels
Nitro, WV
Just bought neighbors whole set up with a few fish but have had freshwater tanks on and off for 15 years but this is my first saltwater
110 gal saltwater, but have 2 20 gal, 2 2 gal Freshwater at home and 2 gal at my office.

Couldn't pass up the deal he gave me for his whole setup for $150 eventhough I was planing on waiting till I bought another house before going saltwater big tank. Setup is a basic tank and stand with a proclean wet/dry trickle filter. Moved everything including water Saturday. Including a tomato clown, 3 stripe damsel, 2 yellow tail blue damsels

Guess you can't edit your own post? Anyways here is a quick cell pic. Still working on it. He had spray painted the back of it blue which had some runs in it the a couple of bare spots where the salt creep had eaten through the paint so I scraped it all off. The stand is just the basic common pine one which I will end up staining darker or paint it black.
Name: Chris Khodadadi
Location: Huntington, WV
Saltwater experience: I've been in/out of the hobby since 2004.
Tank Size: 68 gallon Reef Ready
Tank Type: Currently empty, and piecing together hardware (power heads, return pump, protein skimmer, RO/DI unit, etc)


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Name: Jackie
Location: Mason WV
Saltwater experience: Brand new
Tank Size: 75 gal
Tank Type: FOWLR,

I was really excited to see there were other marine aquarists in this area, but it looks like a few years since anyone posted info so hoping some of you are still around :) I kinda fell into this hobby by being one of those impulsive people. I saw some friendly looking GSPs in a local store. I never pictured myself as a fish person but they looked so cheerful I just couldn't help myself. When i got home i learned i had really bitten off something to chew. a week later i had my 75gallon up and running so i could move them from their 10 gallon to something that would give them more room and started transitioning them from fresh to saltwater. several months later I am head over heels in love with my little puffer babies :) i still can't get over the joy i feel when i turn their lights on in the morning and those little round bodies start to stir awake, sleepy and a little clumsy but they make their way to the front of the glass and give me that happy little grin :) I love how they eat right out of my hands :) and I appreciate the fact that they can now tell the difference between the food and my fingers because i have a feeling as they grow their teeth would have started to hurt :) in the last month i have added a blenny, a tang, and two firefish (but I am going to tear down my tank and take the firefish out tonight because they are terrified of the tang that i added just this week) the tank is still a work in progress. its a fowlr and that's fine i am going to try some macro algae for the tang :) and to pretty things up a bit. I have a canister filter but i have learned its not really the best so we are setting up a sump with the skimmer and all of that hopefully that will get me away from the water changes every other day :) after i finish the sump and things I am planning a nano tank with clowns and within the next year to year and a half I plan to build an extra large tank. 10-12 feet long but haven't decided on height and depth yet. anyway i would really be nice to meet the rest of you if you are still active :) advice is always nice and sharing pics and ideas :)
Parkersburg WV
Just setup my first reef tank almost 2 months ago. Anyone from around here in this group??

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Dan in Beckley, WV here ! I'm returning to the hobby after many years away.
Right now I have a 4 gallon pico tank, and a 16 gallon pico reef tank.
Mostly softies, and a few LPS. And a Couple of yellow tail blue Damsels.
In the process of starting a new 29 gallon nano reef soon.
I hope there are more SW hobbyists in the area.
Terry Ranson - I'm back, sort of.
Huntington, WV
Saltwater experience: Beats me. Being senile, I resent this question. What year is this?
Only one salt tank, FOWLER for quarantining fish & keeping lots of live rock for customers. Can't work any more, no more customers now. Currently setting up a 90 reefer for myself now, will probably drop dead before it's finished. I'm ready to die.

Where did that Lionfish icon come from? I don't remember that! Where am I? Who are you people?