

New member
I thought this would be a great idea to start an introduction thread since we haven't had one yet. I will go first.

My name is Tommy Sharrer. I am 20 years old and I am new to the hobby. I have been doing it for about 6 months. I started out with a 30 gallon reef tank and upgraded very soon after that to a 55 knowing I was going to need more room lol. I am currently enrolled at ZaneState college majoring in police science and correctional science. I will finish in the spring and will be starting the police academy next fall. I work currently at Petsmart as a Petcare associate/stocker. I am very excited about getting a bunch of people together in the Muskingum county area to talk about anything to do with aquariums; fresh or saltwater. I also have a cichlid tank and 2 planted tanks.


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My name is Jaye Kinkead. I am 28 and live in Zanesville. I have been in the hobby for about 3 years now and thoroughly enjoy spending the evening working and playing with the tank.
I work at Genesis Healthcare in the Information Technology department and am proud to be part of a team that is making groundbreaking advances for Zanesville Healthcare.

I have a 55 gallon saltwater Reef tank that is almost filled to capacity. Once I move into a house, one of the first things will be upgrading to a 120+ tank. I also have a planted freshwater but have considered taking it down many time because it seems get get neglected with the reef taking up all my free time.

I look forward to hearing from everyone else!!
I name is Dave Varhola. I a 28 and live in Zanesville. I am originally from Belle Valley Ohio. I have been keeping aquariums for 5yrs now. I am working to set up my first reef tank which I plan to set up in December. I started the hobby with African cichlids and I am hooked. I also have a interest in maybe breeding freshwater angelfish. I enjoy other hobbies like cooking ,traveling and fishing. I am married with 2 children. I have been the pet care lead at petsmart for 5 years now. I enjoy it but I hope to own fish only pet store someday.I am eager to learn all that I can since I am a novice to the marine hobby
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My name is Joe Hogue. Jenifer and I live just outside of Norwich. I have 13 years in the hobby and currently have an in-wall 180 Oceanic tank with the pump room in the basement. I have a good bit of experience but seem to learn something every time I view another system. Jenifer and I own and operate local area Papa John's Pizzas.

It would be cool to set up a tank tour some weekend and go from tank to tank.
My name is Mike Taylor. My wife, son, and I live in Hopewell. I started keeping saltwater aquariums in 1996. My current setup is fowlr, multiple tanks. I don't really have a display tank setup, my aquarium hobby is pretty much limited to my unfinished basement and is geared toward breeding marine fish. I run a lawncare business around Zanesville and surrounding areas.
My name is Hose' Emanis.

If you get that your probably about my age. My name is Bill Wetzel and have been keeping marine tanks since the early 80's, yes thats the 1980's. I have had freshwater since I was about 10 and switched to SW after taking up scuba diving and saw what was in the ocean. My first saltwater tank was a 180 gal tank I built from marine grade plywood and a glass front. This was a fish only tank and housed a 14" queen angel and a 12" voltan lionfish for several years.
Today after going through several tanks from a 75 to a 90 to a 210 I now have a 300 gal DD tank with 3- 65 gal tanks attached to the system, for frags and a sump. I have a mixture of softies, LPS and SPS corals some about teh size of a basketball. The fish include a 12" Valingie (SP) tang, purple, sailfin, and kole tangs, breeding calrkii clowns, blue throat trigger 7" yellow wrasse and several other fish tntm.
I'm an engineer for Beckman Coulter corporation out of Brea Calif and travel quite a bit for business and pleasure.

Anyone is more than welcome to come over and visit, talk tank, and/or pick up some coral.