June Meeting


New member
Hello, I spoke with Mark already so here goes for everyone else. I am proposing we have the June meeting at Pet Palace. I'm sure we can get the management there to give a special discount for the day and we can use the day as a recruitment tool for new members.

June 25th, a Saturday, makes the most sense, but June 11th could work as well. I will not be able to make the next meeting, dog show out of town, so figured we should hammer this out now.

As soon as we set a date I'll make some flyers to post at Pet Palace to hopefully attract some new people. I'll bring my bandsaw and dremel and we can have a fragging demonstration. I'll find something in my tank that needs chopping up and if anyone else wants to bring a piece to frag let me know.

Please post your thoughts asap and I hope everyone is doing well. Thanks,

Hey Fcamdog, if you have probs with them I can see what I can put together at Pet Land on 41A

I will ask the board about having a meeting at Petland. I am sure that would be okay but cannot speak for everyone. Thank you for the offer,

no prob...I know we've been doing meetings everywhere, just thought maybe another place could add to our NTRC members on this side of town
Hey Fidel, sorry we missed seeing you last weekend.

No one at the meeting seemed to have any problem with Pet Palace for next month.

Also, no one else offered to host so...
Sounds like a plan then. How does June 25th sound for a date? I can host the next meeting at my place as well since I think I'm due.

Sorry I had to miss the last meeting, I didn't want to, but we had a dog show to go to. That's the other hobby. I promise not to miss the next meeting!

Of course! The other option is find someone with a big tank that would give you a decent price, or trade for it.

Fragging softies is very easy. If you want to come to the meeting at Pet Palace on the 25th get a hold of me and we can make arrangements to frag it then if you'd like.

Well I would like to keep it cause it was a gift. And my tank is a 120 gal . It's just really big 18 in tall with a 12 in across head . The stalk is 5 to 6 in thick . Is one thus big fragable ?
I think so. All it's going to take is a very sharp fillet knife and a lot of water to let it slime out in and then transfer into clean water. Feel free to call me if you want to try and plan out how we'd frag it.

931 eightzerotwo 5565
Hey Fidel, do we have a time yet for the 25th?

Kels..., whether you decide to frag the leather or not, I hope to see you at the meeting
Yes, looks like 1:00pm will be the time. They have tables and chairs so that's covered. I'll bring some sort of finger food and if someone else wants to get something together that'll be great.

I'll get a flyer to Caleb tomorrow so he can put it up to advertise a little bit and hopefully we can meet some new reefers in the area!

Also, I'm still planning on bringing the Bandsaw and we can do a small fragging demonstration.

Please feel free to call me if you have any ideas, wants, etc.. Hope everyone is having a great (hot) weekend.

Just a reminder that the club meeting is at 1:00pm at Pet Palace. I'll bring some drinks and something to snack on. Hope to see everyone there and hopefully some new people as well.
