

New member
Hi there,

I have a 125 gallon reef that has been established for about two and a half years now. It is really self sufficient now. All of my corals have at least doubled in sized the last year. My fish are happy. I just tested my tank using salifert profi-tests. Here are my results:

Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 0
pH - 8.2
mag - 1350
Calcium - 475
Phosphate - 0
KH - 11.2
ALK - 4.00
Stronium - 10
Temp - 78

My dilemma is why is my KH/ALK so high? Is this bad? Everything I can find to read about it talks about them being too low. If it is bad, how do I fix it? I would appreciate any educated/experienced advise. Thanks! Laurabelll