Kleini or threadfin for aiptasia?


New member
Hey everyone. Aiptasia is beginning to take over our mixed reef and our methods of removing it aren't keeping up. Our copperband got the small ones but won't touch the bigger sized ones, and is now unfortunately passing. So now I'm trying to decide if I should (temporarily) try a Threadfin or Kleini. I know both aren't too reef safe, but at this point I just wanna get the aiptasia gone.

We do also have a yellow long nose butterfly which is doing wonderfully. This is our 4th copperband and I'm done trying to keep these beautiful fish. Our tank is a 125. Which is more peaceful especially with the yellow longnose, the better aiptasia eater, and best overall?

Thank you!
Also should mention our peppermint shrimp did absolutely nothing, and can't have berghia due to our wrasses. F Aiptasia has been the most effective, but they constantly come back
I have no experience with either but it seems Kleini is the pick of many after some research, just that they also get a taste for LPS too

Also maybe look into Aiptasia Eating Filefish? Not the prettiest but I’ve read general success rates are pretty good
I have no experience with either but it seems Kleini is the pick of many after some research, just that they also get a taste for LPS too

Also maybe look into Aiptasia Eating Filefish? Not the prettiest but I’ve read general success rates are pretty good
We have a filefish also lol. Model citizen, but just looks at aips as well
I have a long nose, kleins and raccoon in a 180. They do fine with each other. I have never seen any of them pick at coral. Perhaps in an otherwise sterile tank it would be different.