LFS's in Northern Arizona


New member
Does anyone know of any good ones besides petco?
this can range from prescott to flagstaff.

Any reviews are welcome, are they must stop and check it out stores?
The Aquarium Center in Flagstaff is a good place to check out in Flagstaff. They are the only supplier of marine and reef equipment and livestock in Flag and have a pretty decent selection.

Its located on 4th street.
ditto the salamander, though sometimes the tanks don't look so great, imho.

For this reason, and price, I organize quite a few group buys. In fact, will probably be doing another one imminently to reefhotspot.com
Cool, next time i'm up there i will have to check it out...

Here in prescott theres one place other then petco that carries SW fish. They are called the pet care center. They have a moderate selection, and a "few" corals.

They probably have 5% of the selection that ATR has.
I've been to the Pet Care Center and was quite horrified by their lack of tank maitenence, knowledge and "care" in general. I guess its easy to slack when you've got the only place in town. I've seen it around here before too.
Yeah, their tanks do get pretty bad sometimes. They don't have very much help with that section of the store. the owners are really nice, however, don't have very much good info to offer up. they offered to take care of my tanks while i was away for 2 weeks and charged me $10 per day wich was really good i thought. I came home though and both of my tanks had evaporated without being topped off to the halfway mark salinity was 1.037 in each tank, lucky my fish were alive, all the coral was dead. No real amonia spikes though. all the extra RO water i left around was not even touched, and pumps had run dry, and it really sucked. I don't even know if they ever even showed up. i went to get my key back, and haven't been back since.

Not completley sure, but i think they use tap water on their systems as well, don't quote me on that though.
Sometimes good intentions can fall far short. Sorry to hear about your tanks. That sounds about like what I'd expect after seeing their shop.
Well, it happens.
I was a real noobie back then, i only had a coupple things, and i've recovered well. My tank is doing awesome now, so it's all good.