Looking for some zoanthids


New member
Hey guys,
Im not from NY, but am real close, a couple miles into PA from the NY border. I have dealt with some of the guys on here and have had good experiences so I thought I would try again. I am looking to see if anyone around the Binghamton/Endicott area has any zoanthids they might want to sell. I have a nano and have been leaning towards filling it with different zoanthids. I have gotten quite a few lately but am looking for ones I dont have. Im not looking for anything huge, but I am just looking for a few polyp frags. Let me know if you guys might have anything, and I hope to have another good experience with this group.

I'll be back early August and should have some Purple Deaths and possibly a few others available for fragging. Coral trading is preferred in my house so I'll let you know when I get back.

Here are some pics of a few of mine:





Yeah you have some nice stuff that I would definitely be interested in. Trading is fine, ill prolly have some to frag by then, or I have stuff from my other tanks. Back in August? Where are you away to for so long and who takes care of your tank while gone?
Hey again everyone. I am just wondering again if anyone here might have any Purple deaths, candy apple reds, jokers, or any other zoanthids that they might want to frag and trade/sell?

Hi there,

I have been a member too long lol. But i have had my tank running now for over 3 years...The choices of corals, in my area, (binghamton, are just nothing) I was wondering if you would sell any corals, sps, lps, or hard corals, that is if you do sell..If not do you have any people that may?

Thank you so very much!
