M. marinum.


New member
I read your article on the above subject. I never thought twice about the disease until this week. Although I have not been in my tank in over a week I developed a series of what look like ant or flea bites all over my arms, back and legs and feet. I had been framing and insulating a room to my house and thought for sure I was having a reaction to the insulation. I went to a doctor and told him this and he thought for sure that was the case. I itch like mad. He gave me a ingedtible steroid to take for six days and said this would clear up by then. I thought nothing of it. This by the way was yesterday (Friday). Today I wake up with all the bite type marks and I remember your article. Now I'm not so sure about the Insulation theory. I did look at the pictures and none of them look like ant/flea bites so I'm not so sure. Could I have this or maybe some other type of fish tank disease? I am highly resistant to just about everything (knock on wood) but this allergic reaction is worrying me. I plan on going back to the Dr's office Monday morning if this doesn't appear to be clearing up. Thanks for any input.

Your description does not sound quite right, but you can never be too safe. You may want to at least mention the possibility to your doctor during your next visit.