May meeting notes


Our May meeting once again was a great one.

The logos that were designed for the club will be posted up shortly on the website for everyone to vote on. Voting will continue through June 15th. They can be found at Thank you to everyone who submitted ideas. They all turned out great!

Also the draft of the clubs bi-laws is posted on the website. Please review these as we will be discussing any modifications to them at the June meeting.

After we have a final vote on the logo for the website we will be looking at having flyers printed up to hand out at the DFS frag swap. There will be a space for our club at the MACNA table and we will need members to volunteer their time on Saturday and Sunday to help hand out flyers and promote the club.

Please also start planning for the start of our website referral contest. This will start June 1st. Look for details on the site.

Another great presentation by Kevin on Coral Taxonomy was given. Thank you Kevin for all of your time that went into putting this together for us. It was wonderful!

Our next meeting will be held on June 20, 2007 at the Foster and Smith coral facility. This month is a potluck dinner so remember to bring a dish to pass as well as your own drink. Foster and Smith has graciously decided to donate the meat as well as cook it for us!

Jamie has agreed to give a speech on water quality for us. Thank you Jamie!

Until next time happy reefing!
may meeting

may meeting

Kevin really did do a great job with his presentation. I think our club is so fortunate to have the support that we have from our "local" experts. Actually we are fortunate to have local experts, so many clubs do not have this kind of help. This is such a learning experience, every month there is a new thing to learn!!
I agree that Kevin did an outstanding job! We have a lot to learn from him and are very fortunate that he's willing to share his knowledge.

I also know that the members of the club can share alot with each other and teach each other....hopefully we can make it a very interactive club where members take a month to share something that they know. Even the people new at this have something for all of us to learn from.