Mg Supplement recommendation

I would recommend the Salifert kit, however I caution you on the accuracy of any such kits for magnesium. The kit may give a spurrious reading because of other chemical factors influencing the test. Most of the aquarium mag addatives seem to be MgSO4, the exact stuff you find in epsom salts. I'm sure you've read all the forums... but when my magnesium tested low (by salifert) I couldn't afford the seachem stuff to raise it.. it was like $7 per 10ppt rise in lvl. (for 125g) anywho, gl
Heres a quote from Randy in the chem forum:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6799431#post6799431 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Randy Holmes-Farley
If you cannot find Dead Sea Works MAG Flake or Pellet, I would suggest using ESV or Kent's magnesium supplements. Using Epsom salts will work, but unless cost is a big concern, the concern with elevated sulfate may predominate for such a big addition because it raises sulfate about 4 times as much as magnesium.

How are you supplementing calcium? If you use calcium chloride, that makes using Epsom salts less of a concern.

Or an even cheaper and easier way would be to drop IO like a bad habbit ;)Seems IO tests low for some users.Another argument in favor of Oceanic,but I know you probably didnt want to hear that:DThats why I asked what kind of salt you were using in your other thread, but you didnt take my bait :lol2:

I have begun mixing salt (IO & Oceanic) to get the best of both worlds.

I run magnesium granules in my calcium reactor and it keeps it right at 1350. I'm using the zeovit granules, and you use them at 10% of the CR, 90% regular CR media.