Millepora Help


New member
I can't seem to keep ANY millepora alive. Every time I put one in, it does fine for a few days, then the polyps begin to receed. After that, it's all downhill. All other sps have no issues- red planet, tri-color valida, various stags, ssc, etc. Get water tested every week which shows ph and alk stable, phosphates undetectable, salinity always at 1.024, no nitrate, nitrite, etc. Water change is 10 gallons weekly (75 gallon tank), temp stable at 74. I thought millepora were easy to keep. Any ideas or suggestions?
I'm in the same boat, they do great for a couple weeks then start to STN from the base up. All others acros do great!
I haven't had too much luck with them either. Have you tried putting them in a higher flow area?

Hey, Anthony. My flow is really good. i have 2 MP40s and 1 MP10 running in reef crest mode at around 60%. I tried different places in the tank with the same result. I put in my own RO/DI system a couple months ago with the chloramine unit as well. Don't know what my issue is