My anenome isnt looking to happy

Rich, if those are BTAs, you’ve got things that will split occasionally and are in demand and you can sell or trade for other items.

While BTAs are one of the easier anemones to keep, it tells me your tank is in good shape to house anemones. Makes me believe maybe that porcelain crab is the problem with the anemone you originally asked about.
Ok, cool, because I've been feeding the buggers and would hate to think they were weeds. Lol.
At the risk of complicating the discussion, do my green star polyps look right? They don't seam very green. (Top of the rock in the last pic) they really took of and spread when I first put them in but after the move they seamed to change. This may be my inexperience showing but they don't look very...well, green.
Ok, cool, because I've been feeding the buggers and would hate to think they were weeds. Lol.
At the risk of complicating the discussion, do my green star polyps look right? They don't seam very green. (Top of the rock in the last pic) they really took of and spread when I first put them in but after the move they seamed to change. This may be my inexperience showing but they don't look very...well, green.
Yep, I’m 99% sure you’ve got a nice group of BTAs👍

On the star polyps. There are different colors/varieties and they can change with different lighting and water parameters. IMO/IME, they a near impossible to kill.
So, the move to the new tank and being under different lighting to closer/further from the lights could have caused the color change.
So, the move to the new tank and being under different lighting to closer/further from the lights could have caused the color change.
Ya, after I got them I started to really do some reading and thought I may have just introduced a weed into the tank that will take over everything. Hopefully that's not the case.
Ya, after I got them I started to really do some reading and thought I may have just introduced a weed into the tank that will take over everything. Hopefully that's not the case.
Back in the 1990’s / early 2000’s I used to carefully peel pieces off my live rock and trade it in to my LFS for store credit.😉
I agree, definitely appear to be BTA’s. As for your GSP, there are different varieties and I’m not seeing anything that causes alarm in my opinion. The only thing for me, is I isolate my GSP to an island, making it easier to frag.
I agree, definitely appear to be BTA’s. As for your GSP, there are different varieties and I’m not seeing anything that causes alarm in my opinion. The only thing for me, is I isolate my GSP to an island, making it easier to frag.
Thanks, I didn't think of putting the GSP On an island. Of course they are on one of my biggest rocks. Lol.
It’s all good! Some people even have it grow up their back wall. It’s all personal preference
Hate to bring this up,but those look kind of like mojano anenomes.Do some checking it's been awhile since I saw any.
GSP ,last I heard was regarded as more of a nuisance. Once it takes off on live rock with crevasses it can be a real problem to eliminate.
I don’t think they’re Mojanos. They’re bigger than any Mojano I’ve ever seen.
I can't tell size from the pics...but there are already quite a few of them.Mojanos multiply like crazy .
Unfortunately, I don't know what they are. I thought they were bubble tips, but I'm just going by pics on line. This is the biggest one I have and it's about 3 inches across when open.
I had an anemone crab before that hosted my bubble tip and I would find it pinching off the tentacles and causing it to look like your anemone.
Hmm, I suppose it could be something like that but as far as I can tell the crab doesn't appear to be hurting it intentionally. If anything it looks like the crab is just overly friendly and is either crawlng right up onto the anenomy or just sits there and "hugs" it.
I'm thinking I may try to catch the crab and put him in the sump from a while and see how the enenome does.


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