My New NanoCube 24DX 2006 Link to Thread


Premium Member
Here is the link to my New NanoCube 24DX 2006. It came in yesterday. :) I had posted it in the nanocube Forum.

I hope to do the transfer over this weekend. I will be moving some rock and most of the softies into this one.

I want to go more with SPS and LPS in the 85 gal. I would also like to have a Clam or two to put in the 85. This is my thoughts for now :D

Let me know what you think.
Here is a picture of it. It is still settling in. A lot of corals hasn't opened up yet.

Thanks Gary,

They are what I was told Dragon's Eyes. I think.
They are on the small side but the colors are so pretty:)
Wow Mary those shots are Great.. Your getting really good at taking tank shots... If you want the water to look Clear try turning your pumps off.. It makes a world of difference
Hi Mary,

I love the way you aquascaped the nano tank! Very very pretty. You've come a long way in a short time!!

Which camera are you using by the way?

Thanks Tomoko,

I really like the Nano :)

Kodak Z740

We got it for our Christmas. I just wish it had a Macro Lens. I just have to really crop to get the close ups. I am learning. I need to use the tripod more, but sometimes it's where you just run and grab the camera to get a special shot. Using the tripod does make them clearer.
Yep looks better.. See how much difference it makes. I've knoticed with my 180 alot of the softies look sharper since they arent getting blowed around!

Very nice set up.
I just started a smaller 25 gallon system, now that my 90 is gone.
Yours is an inspiration to smaller tanks.

Keep up the great work, and thanks for sharing.