My new setup - Marineland 150 Deep Dimensions

New hardware toys :dance:




Thank you. The eels are not really difficult but you have to do your homework and provide them the right environment (8in sand-bed, current that brings food their way at the right speed, non aggressive tank-mates, etc.)
Have a few updates and as soon as I can get my computer situation straightened out(laptop crashed, switching over to an iPad) I will be uploading some new video and pics.

Right now I want to share some of the info from my controller which is now available on I've actually written an HTML page using the reeftronics' charts and also giving me full control of my controller. For security reasons I won't be sharing that one.:lmao:
I finally got around to snapping some new pics and video. Tank and its inhabitants are starting to settle in pretty well and I think I'm done with new livestock acquisitions for a while. Some of the pics were taken with the flash and others without. There are a few actinics only shots. Click on the picture to link back to Flickr for a better description of the pics.

Yellow Lion and Garden Eel by romanrjr, on Flickr

Orange Spotted Filefish pair by romanrjr, on Flickr

Orange Spotted Filefish female by romanrjr, on Flickr

Orange Spotted Filefish by romanrjr, on Flickr