Mysterious Death?


New member
Wednesday I removed some macro algae from my tank. This is done periodically when it is needed. I also removed a lot of anthelia from a rather large rock. After doing so I noticed my flame angel, who is about 5 years old - captive age anyway, gasping at the bottom of the tank. His breathing was very fast and his condition worsened form there. He then began laying on his side with his fins raised. Today, I found him beneath a horde of hermits. Dead! Why? What did I do? I am always in that tank moving this around and he never seemed phased by it before. Could it have been something with the removal of the macroalgae or possible the removal of the anthelia? Could the anthelia have released some sort of toxin into the water when I was screwing with it? I had the water checked immediately after seeing the flame acting the way he did. The water was fine. Ph 8.3, dKH 8, Calcium 460, Nitrate 0, phosphate 0. What the hell happened? Was there something else in the water that they can't test for? Every other fish in the tank is fine. So are the corals. The flame was fine before that - acting like he owned the tank, as usual. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what could have happened? I am afraid to even put my hand in there now.
could have just been from being 5 yrs. old. im not sure what the life span of a flame angel is but to me thats pretty old.
nothing short of a guess, but i would suspect it was you moving stuff around one too many times.