NARC February Meeting

Are you talking about the NARC meeting or the Florence meeting? The Florence meeting is today, the NARC meeting is the 25th.

The weather's not too bad here. My wife said that it's a little slick, but not horrible. It's supposed to clear up by 3:00 or so.
Well, I am an idiot. Was talking about the NARC meeting which is next week. I was reading the thread about the Florence meeting and got the 2 confused. It's bad to get old.:D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6770311#post6770311 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by picture the reef
It's bad to get old.:D

Not when you consider the alternative!
Frags are welcome, too. I will bring an extra hydrometer I have (a brand new one). I can bring some frags as well.

I'll have some frags, possibly a set of 36" power compact lights, and maybe another thing or two.
I didn't make it over to Florence today due to the weather, and I'd fragged some xenia to give to the newbies over there, so I've got plenty of xenia to bring next week if someone wants some :)
The 36" Coralife PC has 2 96w dual tubes. It is one of the lights I've had on my 40g, but I've just put a 400w MH set up on that tank.
I plan on being there for my first meeting. I might be interested in purchasing a MH pendant/ballast if anyone has an extra laying around

I was so hoping I would be able to come this weekend, but my daughter has her first softball tournament of the season. So I quess I have to be mom this weekend instead of reefnut.
Well I have a 48" Pc fixture that just laying around but the problem is only two bulbs work. I don't know if its the bulbs or something else. Hey 15 bucks and its yours. I do know that 2 bulbs work great. It's only about 8 monthes old but was only used for 3 of those monthes. So if anyone wants it just Pm me and I will being it with me.

Hi y'all,

Coral Reef Aquatic is going to have a lot of door prizes prepared for us. Here is the list of the products he has for the door prizes :spin1::

Julian Sprung Books ââ"šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ Reef Notes, Coral & Invertebrate Books
PhosBan & Reactor
Two Little Fishies Sea Elements
Marine Snow
Julian Sprungs Sea Veggies & Food Clips
Hagen Master Test Kit
Hagen Test Kits ââ"šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ Phosphate, PH, Nitrate, Nitrite, Alkalinity, etc.
Tetra Food
Tigger Pods
Phyto Feast
Digital Thermoters
Salt Water Mix
Reef Supplements from Kent Marine and SeaChem

He is also giving away a Coral Reef Aquatic Gift Certificate to a grand prize winner of a Raffle.

John does not want people to leave without getting something nice. He is requesting for the headcounts for the meeting. So people, PLEASE let me know here if you are coming.

John will also provide some refreshments for the meeting, but if you want to bring somethin, we welcome that, too :)

He also has a lot of used equipment for the Aquarium Garage Sale as well.

See you all there!!!!

I'm planning on being there.
If I don't win the phosban and reactor, I'm serving notice that I'd like to buy it or trade for it with whoever does :D
Hmm, I wanna go so bad, but my truck just may not make it if I tried! Anyone in Tuscaloosa definitely going who would let me bum a ride? I don't want to miss a used equipment based meeting, not to mention my favorite reef shop in Alabama!

woodywoo--if those bulbs are 55 or 65 watt--and if I find a ride, I want the fixture. (I need 2 bulbs for mine!) ;)