NCMAS October 2013 Meeting


New member
The October NCMAS meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 22nd at 6:30PM. We will be meeting at Reef Keepers Aquarium in Clayton. We will be doing a demo of the new club PAR meter under various types of lights. We will also be raffling a few corals from the store!

The meeting will be held at Reef Keepers Aquarium in Clayton, 1681 Old US Hwy 70 W, Clayton. Bill, the owner, will be shutting down his store for the club and giving a "behind-the-scenes" tour of his shop. He has many tanks set up with all types of corals and lighting. We will be doing a demo of the new club PAR meter to show how all the different lights match up and show the light intensity needed for each type of coral.

Doors open at 6:30PM
Meeting officially starts at 7:00PM and ends at 9:00

We hope you can come out, meet some friends, and have a great time!