need advice regarding Wellsophyllia care


New member
I brought this nice piece of wellso from Miami, it has a hot pink color with a neon green center few weeks ago.
I have noticed some change in the color, and thought it might be due to too much light, as some suggests.
That did not improve it, so I put it back directly under T5 lights, botttom center,moderate flow.
Today I noticed some of the mantle pulling away with exposed skeleton
( see center of picture ). I am afraid it is going to get worse over time.
Some suggests putting it/dipping it in lugols solution.
Anybody out there has a lot of experience with this?
I really hate to see it die on me
Any help is appreciated.
I have lugol's and Revie, but you may want to try dipping it in Revive. That couldn't hurt and is probably better. Try feeding it some mysis shrimp if it will take it. Try to keep any crabs or shrimp from stealing the food from it as it may take it a while to feed if it is not doing well. There may be others that can help more, but I would start there.
Looks bleached out to me. From what I read, you can't save a symbiotic coral after it loses all it's algae. Are you sure it wasn't bleached when you bought it?
Looks bleached out to me. From what I read, you can't save a symbiotic coral after it loses all it's algae. Are you sure it wasn't bleached when you bought it?

no,was doing great for a while, but now it is:headwalls: