New 125 build

Ok everything’s working now and no leaks finally. For some reason if the vectra bolts are too snug the pump has an issue. This was told to me by a fellow reefer it happened to about 6 of his smh.
Ok everything’s working now and no leaks finally. For some reason if the vectra bolts are too snug the pump has an issue. This was told to me by a fellow reefer it happened to about 6 of his smh. Also no reason why a box with a pipe and 2 lights cost over $500. I made this for Pennies
Been a while for those waiting. So tanks running for a bit now. I have the diy ats running great. Running vectra m2 for ats and display. No3 2ppm po4 .02. Did the frosted background as well. Lights are running off of these 4 smart plugs. Reef bar is first then 2 of 8 t5 turn on then remaining 6 turn on at 12. Then it ramps down the brightest turn off then the next 2 t5 then the reef bar. A fox face and 2 clowns in the tank so far. Today I added 6 fighting conches to clean the sand a bit as there is a little diatoms due to new sand I’d bet.
These were my testers. I haven’t got anything yet because I need to see temps as my tank is in my garage. Getting a battery back up and checking summer temps inside the basement. Might have to get chiller.
I’d definitely be worried about the summer temperatures in the garage…I didn’t catch where you live, though