new tank plans

gemini aquarius(t)

Always Learning
i want to upgrade my current 20 gallon tank to something i can get some bigger fish in so i have a plan.let me know if you see anything that could get an impovement on or if im forgetting something

120 gallon glass
black stand
black canopy
3x 250 watt HQI 14k halides(aquamedic pendants)
2x actinic no florecent lights
fans for canopy
60(approx)gallon sump
asm gx(3 or 4)skimmer
heater 400 watt
mag 24 return pump
(2)scwd/oceans motion 4way
150 pounds of live rock
120 pounds of live sand
calcium reactor


sps(all varietys and colors)


atlantic pygmy angel
sailfin tang
(3)purple firefish
pair of percula clowns
orange-shouldered tang
mandarin goby
six-line wrasse
a couple other fish that i need you to help me decide
For the SCWD. What type of pump will you run through it. I suggest you do a closed loop with the SCWD(With a seperate pump from sump or display, rather than the return. You really dont want the 2SCWD's to be in the main return from sump to display.

What I did on my 110g set up is. Besides the return I have a jebo pump that pushed 700gph so I put this in my display and ran the close loop from there. Sort of like this:

then again I see your running a mag24 over kill? You should be straight either way.

Good Luck

for the lighting i'd go with IceCap Pendants and Electroinc ballast's. I've got two 250w mh pendants + ballasts, and I can say i'm really happy with them. They arent cheap though but well worth the price. Oh also instead of a SCWD and Sea Swirls, go with a OM (Oceans Motions super squirt 4way) and run your closed loop on one of those with a big pump. Its cheaper too and works nicer imo :)

Tony cheaper than running teh SCWD plz show me. Im modifying my tank for last minute stuff before I add water. Thanks
