Next Meeting Announcement!


New member
Hi everyone,

First, the officers of the club would like to apologize for the lack of communication on our part to the club. All three of us have been extremely busy and tied up handling family issues. We are all okay though!

Due to our schedules and the events happening lately, we've decided to postpone meetings until January, at which time we will get together at the Frag Swap hosted by MTRC. As information becomes available for this, I'll be sure it filters down to the club.

Sorry again, hope everyone is doing well!

Hey Matt, I thought I read somewhere that there will be a swap in Dec at Pet Palace, any truth to this? Thought it would be at the Dec meeting. I have been out of the hobby for the summer. I am now trying to kinda get back into it as I will have more time now. I am also trying to go to the swap in Jan @ MTRC. Let me know whats up plz. Stacey and I never did our membership cards. Not sure we need them. Is there any discount for the MTRC swap if we have them. If so, can we get them. Talk to you soon, Mark
Hi Mark,

In the past we've done a joint meeting with MTRC @ Pet Palace in December, but we've not had a swap before. We will not be meeting until January, and it will be fairly informal at the MTRC Frag Swap.

Your membership cards will not provide any advantage at the frag swap, and expire in February. Let me know if you need one before then for other reasons, and I'll get another resent to you. I'm 99% sure I mailed you one (I think I had PO box address for you, that's why I'm recalling this) but I can get another one printed up and sent out if you need.

See you in January!
Just because three people are too busy for a meeting doesn't mean everyone else can't meet casually in December at the Pet Palace Frag Swap. I'm sure the store will like the traffic and I'd like to BS with everyone again.

That said, I'll be at the Pet Palace Frag Swap on December 11th. If anyone is looking to trade equipment, or corals, start posting and maybe we can arrange some stuff beforehand.

Hope everyone is doing well,

Fidel A.K.A. Fcamdog
I must first apolgize, I misunderstood part of what Mark was asking. I thought he was asking if NTRC was having a meeting/frag swap at Pet Palace, I didn't realize that Pet Palace was hosting a frag swap in December. That's great that they are and I truly hope everyone can make it out, if for nothing else than to say hi!

I will most likely not be at the swap, Karen and I are leaving for Europe shortly after that, and I'm sure it will be a busy weekend for us. If I get some free time, I may attempt to make it out there.

Hope everyone can make it!
What time and where will the meeting take place at the frag swap? I will be busy during the actual swap so I am asking whomever is running the meeting, can we please do the meeting just before the swap starts, or at the conclussion?

I would like to have a formal meeting with attendance, minutes taken etc... with the hope of getting back to having regular monthly meetings and maybe getting something done as club. Like possibly purchasing some club equipment, get some t-shirts, something, ya know? Thanks,
