opinions - is a 20L big enough sump for a 144?


Active member
I have a spare 20L that I was using for topoff water that I'm considering using for my sump for my 144g. I am almost to the point of thinking it is a shade too small. This is the same tank that Fuji has in his shop for those who are unfamiliar with the style of the tank. It is a half circle unit.
to house a means of skimming and a place for ATO and maybe some sort of mechanical filtration via a sock or filter pads.
I wouldn't use it. Not worth the risk of putting water in the floor of your house. If I were you depending on the amount of room you have under the tank I would go for something like a 40 breeder.
hum this might be a long shot but could you fit a 46 bow front under there. It may just fit the contour of the stand. Also, I think there is something like a 26 bow front.
If the skimmer (footprint) you are wanting will fit in a 20L, there is room for ATO, shelf holding filter floss, couple of bubble traps, 20L should be fine.
The problem with only running a 20 long as your sump for a 144 is the water that will enter during a power outage... Even if you have an excellent siphon break and good check valves etc you will likely have at least 10 gallons, likely closer to 15 that will be there that aren't during normal operation.

This doesn't leave much actual volume to be running through the sump during normal operation which I would imagine would make for some difficulty getting your filtration working properly.

A 29 gallon would work much better, and shares the same footprint as the 20L... It's just a little taller
ended up picking up a 29g tank over the weekend. Cut the baffles and siliconed them in place yesterday. Will let it cure for a couple days and then put it in action. Now I need to find a small skimmer, something that will fit in a 12.5x10 chamber area.