OT: Another good use for a fishnet

Linda C.

New member
My friend called me, hysterical..."I have possums in my house!"

So I grabbed a broom, a bucket, a bin and a large fish net and drove over to her house.

The way she sounded on the phone I figured they were BIG possums...but the two were just little guys. I scooped them up with the big net, put them in a bucket and called a wildlife rehabilitator for advice.

see, fish nets can be handy for more than just fish ;)



<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9915380#post9915380 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rainer Feyer
Good job

Question: will you raise them?


I actually listened to the advice of the wildlife rehabilitator. :D

As I had them on my lap, petting them....I told her they were the size of 'jumbo feeder rats'/approx. 7-8 inches long she said they would be best let out in the woods. She said since they were out of their mothers pouch that they could fend for themselves.

We found where they got into the house, boarded it up and then took them way back into the woods and released them.

The entire time Peggy kept saying "you better not bring those home...Tom will kill you!!" So no "poor tom" ending to this one

PS....before they 'play possum' the sure make some scary growl noises.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9918574#post9918574 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Nammy
You should have kept them both for pets..

Could you Imgaine !!!


they came back!!!

Got a phone call from Peggy tonight. This time they were in her kitchen cabinets.

This time I took them home and will keep them until I come up with a better plan.

hopefully this is the end.

Peggy called AGAIN today....Hope we got the last one.

I got him out and brought him to his sibling....just released all 3 possums (this time over 5 miles away from Peggy's house).
