ozone advice


New member
After talking to jerry at TLR. I beleive that my ReefDevil is a sufficient skimmer He didnt even try to sell me one when he found out what I had. WOW. But adding Ozone to the setup might just benefit me more that a new skimmer. I know 8ball has this, does anyone else? And hey 8 hmmm how do I do this. I see generators, and I see controllers. What do I need??
Anyone please jump in here. With any advice.
I run ozone on my system. I use the OSC function on my aquacontroller to run the ozone for 1 minute out of every 15. I pump the ozone into my AquaC Urchin skimmer. I can really tell the difference when I turn the ozone off for whatever reason.

I use Red Sea ozonizer. The difference with ozone is remarkable. I have it on a controller and run it 24/7 as needed.
Well I have a Red Sea Ozonizer 50mg.. I did Alot of research on the subject before taking the plunge.. I have a Neptune AQ2 It has an ORB probe on it and it acts as my controller... Its very simple to do really.. You just need a ORB controller.. Ozone Generator and some Carbon for the output of your skimmer or your OzoneReactor.. I went with an Ozone Reactor cause they are very cheap.. Like 30bucks.. Its just a chamber with bioballs you pump water and ozone into.. Ozone is very destructive.. It eats rubber makes Acrylic brittle ECT.. So if you really like your skimmer or if its $$$ like mine you might want to consider getting a Reactor!!

Now as far as the controller goes.. You dont Have to have one.. But IMO you really do need one.. The ozone generator should be set to cut off when your Orb gets around 350-360..

But as far as what I think about it.. Well I'm sorry to say I have the same problem as Melev,, I guess its not really a problem its considered a good thing,, My Orb stays at around 400-408 with my Generator off lol.. I got it set it all up built a holder for it under the stand ect.. Just for it to run about a 30 hours :rolleyes: Found out it takes that long for the Orb Probes to "break in" and give an accurate reading :rolleyes"

I think Ozone is a great idea.. But you might want to get an Orb Probe or controller Before you buy the Generator haha just in Case.. HTH