percula clowns may be spawning?

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I have 2 false percula clown fish in my 55 gallon aquariam along with some other fish. One the Clowns Keeps going down to one area of the substrate and "fan" his tail in the same area. He or she has done this repeatedly about 5 times. My hermit crab keeps going to this area and everytime he does the clown thats doing the fanning will chase him off.. I looked very closely to see if I seen any eggs , me not knowing what to look for, didnt find much.... there is 4-6 little red circular things in the area where the clown is fanning. They are kind of spread out but in the general area. I have never had any red gravel or substrate in my aquariam. The hermit has tried to go to the area where the clown is fanning about 8 times and each time the clown chases him off. I have read a lil on Clowns Spawning and read about them fanning and defending there nest.. What do you all think ? all feedback apprecitated..
I'm no expert on clownfish spawning, but I had a Clarkii that did the same thing several years ago. I was told that this was the female preparing the nest. So I would say that she hasn't spawned yet, but should.


Clownfish will lay thier eggs on a hard surface. I have some pictures of my clownfish in the act of spawning on my website. I have seen my clownfish faning the sand. I suspect it's some sort of territorial thing.

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I don't know how I can help, but I'm in the same predicament. I have two Clarkii Clowns that have spawned. The eggs are visible on the back glass. They are orange in color and are about the size of a pin head, maybe bigger. My problem is the anemone that they live in won't sit still. Where it goes they go. Leaving their eggs behind. I only found the eggs today when I was trying to get the Anemone into a plastic pot holder. After I found the eggs I left the Anemone alone, fearing I've already disturbed the clowns enough. Hopefully they won't abandon the eggs.
Good luck to you.

The A. perculas in my tank breed at least once/month. Typically, it is the male that prepares the nest and tends to the eggs. He is considerably smaller than the female.

The female becomes quite large, esp. in the abd. area prior to laying the eggs. Just some observatiions. BTW, it seems that when I feed live brine artemia for a few days, they breed.

As far as actually collecting the eggs, I haven't even come close. They appear to hatch just prior to lights out after 7 to 10 days. The shrimp, crabs and other fish have a feeding frenzy before I can reach for a airline tube and siphon them out. Since they seem to setup the nest in the same place everytime, maybe I'll try to put a ceramic plate there.BTW, I have a photo of the female laying eggs at my site as well. It is located under the fish section.


[This message has been edited by Eroc (edited 12-18-1999).]
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