power head cleaning LR???


Premium Member
HI all- The tank is doing very good (thanks to some great info here on RC), anyway I added a clean-up crew and some damsels/chromes all the hair alae/diatoms are gone.
Now when I do water changes I notice there is a lot of brown stuff (not over feeding) between the rocks. Can I or should I use a small powerhead to to stir up the dirt. Also is it a good idea to use a gravel vac on a DSB or do I just skim the surface.
A powerhead may be a bit much for moving debris, many use a turkey baster to clean out crevices.

A DSB is supposed to contain animals to keep it moving on the microscopic level.
Pods and worms make their way through the sand and larger creatures like cucumbers and snails (Conch, Queen & Fighting or the use Nassarius) help to keep the surface clean.
