Preventative QT process


New member
Hi all,

I'm almost ready to add fish to my QT tank and I would like to treat for all diseases prophylactically. I can't seem to find any literature outlining this process.

Do any of you do this and if so could someone point me in the direction of instructions or someone who could help me out?

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Formalin bath 45 min for new arrivals then into ttm during ttm prazi pro. After ttm moved to quarantine tank for observation. This should work for most diseases.

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TTM only works against ich - and velvet's become much more common of late.

I'm using CopperSafe for new arrivals, as well as Prazi-Pro. MetroPlex with Focus on food if stringy white poop is noticed, indicating internal parasites ... or if a particular fish is noted for them . . .

Here's mine (for fish):

1. Match QT salinity to incoming
2. Float bag for 15 mins to equalize temp.
3. Empty newcomer - I don't worry about getting bag water into QT
4. Initial dose of Nitrofuracin green powder.
5. Let fish acclimate to tank and start feeding before doing anything else.
6. 30 day chloroquine phosphate
7. One or two rounds of prazi.
8. Two weeks of observation.

Remember, QT is both about preventing diseases and getting a fish to a healthy body weight.
Here's mine (for fish):

1. Match QT salinity to incoming
2. Float bag for 15 mins to equalize temp.
3. Empty newcomer - I don't worry about getting bag water into QT
4. Initial dose of Nitrofuracin green powder.
5. Let fish acclimate to tank and start feeding before doing anything else.
6. 30 day chloroquine phosphate
7. One or two rounds of prazi.
8. Two weeks of observation.

Remember, QT is both about preventing diseases and getting a fish to a healthy body weight.

Thanks. Do you know a reputable source to obtain the chloroquine phosphate online?

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TTM works well for many small/medium-sized fish but as others have said, it only treats ich. However, it doesn't require meds and you can mix in other methods during the transfer process (prophylactic formalin dips, dosing prazipro during one or more transfer periods, etc.).

I've done a good % of my successful TTMs in 5 gallon buckets. During the Summer, you don't even need a heater and you could even maintain lower salinity if you want to save on salt. Just need to make sure you bring salinity back up slowly (down fast is OK - read up on this though) and temp acclimate them when you're ready to transfer into the display.

Important note: TTM doesn't work great for certain fish like wrasses and more delicate stuff (wrasses need a sand bed to go nite nite, for example, and require more TLC to fatten them up). For those you want to stick with Simon's recommendation for sure.